Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lot's of pic's, not a lot of time!

So there has been a lot that has happened since I posted last, but what happens when you have a baby is you have more important/better things to do then blog all the time!! I'm a full time working mother and so when I have free time I generally like to spend it with my daughter and husband, but I got a nice long nap today, so I can actually stay up past 9pm and get some pic's up on this thing!! So, in absolutely no particular order, here goes!
Adam and Ella at our pool at Cobble Creek. She actually kinda likes the pool! Hoping to make her a water baby :)

Once in a while she will surprise us with a smile in her careseat. Usually she is screaming her head off :)

Me and Ella at the pool. So glad we have this nice pool to play in all summer!
Ella and her dolly Lucy

She can sit in a bumbo now!! She totally looks like a bobble head in it, but still!! I'm impressed!!

Went and saw my cute preggo friend Britney in Midway. She has such a cute family and home.

Went and spent the day with at my sister Amy's in Mapleton. Ella loves her cousin Abbey :) I see lots of babysitting in the future!

Ella chillin' in her favorite spot (her boppy)

My best friend Phyllis came to visit from London. She has sent NUMEROUS gifts to my baby girl, and she was so excited to see her she insisted on having her all to herself for an entire day. Despite what you see in this photo, Ella loves her Aunt Phyllis :)

Ella was blessed on July 3rd by her daddy. He did a beautiful job. She wore her cousin Abbey's blessing dress, shoes and blanket compliments of Grandma Pinson, bow cut off of my garder belt, and bracelet's from Jill and Phyllis Holmes. Quite the ensemble!! It was such a great day filled with family, friends, love and the spirit!

Some cute pic's of my fam on the 4th of July. I left early because I was stressing out about getting Ella off of her nighttime routine. (I'm slightly OCD when it comes to this). Oh well, sometimes a good nights sleep trumps having fun :)

This little girl is just full of smiles these days. It is so much fun to talk and sing with her. She is quite the jabber mouth!!

Adam and his mom ran the Cell to Well 5K. I was supposed to run it with his mom but I got a clogged milk duct the night before (ouch), so I had to bow out :( So proud of Adam for being such a great man, inspiration, and adorable daddy!


  1. She is growing so fast & getting cute chunkiness! It looks like you guys have had a busy month.

  2. So many cute pics in here dont even know where to start!!! Love Ella's Blessing Dress she looks so cute. I am glad Adam got to run in the race sorry you couldnt... The fourth looks fun and I would be OCD about sleep too so I think you did the right thing. How cute Ella goes swimming with you guys. It is raining here lots lately so I dont really need a pool but feel like swimming. It looks like you are all having a great Summer. Hard to believe Ella is a little over 3 months now Wow!!! Miss you
    Love P

  3. Ella is so cute! She looks just like you. I can't believe she does so well in her bumbo. Isley hates hers. Let's do get together in august. Give me some dates and I will host!

  4. Nat! It's not blog stalking if we're friends. :) How are you? I'm glad you found our blog.
    Your sweet girl is just too cute for words. Really, just beautiful! (And you, by the way, look fabulous!)
    Hope you are doing well!
