***Disclaimer....this post was more for my own purposes, is kinda lengthy and maybe not that interesting to some of you, so if you wanna skip this one, no hard feelings :)
So, for some reason tonight, I've let feelings of inadequacy creep up, and I've got a case of the "shoulda, woulda, coulda's". Never-mind the fact that I'm a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a full time employee.....I feel like I should be doing, well, more (???). I am basically feeling sorry for myself for not being super-woman, and when this happens, I go through all of the things that I am grateful for in my life, and it usually makes me feel better. So, worth a try, no?
1-Obviously, I am most grateful for my family. My "mom, dad, brothers, sister" family, my "in-laws" family, and my "husband, daughter" family. It has come to my attention the last few days just how wonderful, open, loving, accepting, and perfectly imperfect my family is. Each and every one of them would stand in front of a speeding train for me, and I can say with the utmost certainty that I would do the same. I thank God for them several times a day, and I wouldn't know what to do if even just one of them wasn't in my life. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! I'M GRATEFUL FOR MY FAMILY!!!
2-I'm grateful that both Adam and I are employed. That is such a blessing, especially right now. Not only are we employed, but I have AMAZING health insurance. Adam has been to countless doctors visits, physical therapy visits, chiropractic visits for his back, and did I mention the thousands of dollars of dental work taking up residency in his mouth? How wonderful that all we've had to do were tiny little co-pays, for which I use a pre-taxed flexible spending card? I'M GRATEFUL TO GET 4 PAYCHECKS EVERY MONTH!!!
3-On that note, I'm grateful that my parents taught me how to budget. Yeah, we've got debt up the ying-yang, but with the skills that have been engrained in me by Janet and Quin, it won't be long before I say "Buh-bye" to that debt for good! I'M GRATEFUL I KNOW HOW TO SAVE MONEY!!!
4-Ok, I know I said family already, but Ella gets her own number :) She is the most exciting part of my day, every day. I love going into her room in the morning and seeing that smile. I love coming home from work and seeing her kick her legs and wave her arms with excitement to see me. There is nothing like having a human being love you with such reckless abandon. She is the. best. Period. I'M GRATEFUL FOR MY BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, MIRACULOUS, SWEET, HAPPY, GOOFY, WONDERFUL BABY DAUGHTER ELLA!!!
5-I'm grateful to have a roof over my head. Sounds pretty basic, but there are so many people just in Salt Lake City that sleep in parks and on benches because they do not have this luxury. I get in my car every day, drive into a paved driveway, walk into a heated home, sit on my very comfy couch, eat my delicious food at a big table and crawl into a massive warm bed with my husband (and have you seen my husband?) and go to sleep knowing that I'm safe and loved. I'M GRATEFUL FOR A PLACE TO CALL HOME!!!
6-I'm grateful for my friends. The ones that I have now, there are no words. Every single one of them inspires me in a different way. They love me, not because of how I look, or what I do, but because they just do. No conditions. They were there when my life resembled a really depressing after school special, and they are still here years later. I love you all!!! I'M GRATEFUL FOR THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!
7-I'm grateful for my Father in Heaven. Ha- you wanna talk about unconditional love??? I'm quite sure he carried me through at least a couple years of my life. There were days when I do not know how I ended up in my office chair at 7am, but I got there. For that matter, there were days I don't know how I breathed in and out, but I did. Not because I'm so strong, but because I had a Father in Heaven who saw one of his daughters struggling, reached down, picked up her up, and put her where she needed to be. I've never doubted the presence of God in my life. I've doubted A LOT of things, but never that. I love my Heavenly Father. I'M GRATEFUL FOR HIM!!!
........see, feelin' better already.