Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Snow bunny

I just had to post this, because it is ADORABLE! Ella loves being outside, and with the cold temperatures, we have to get her nice and bundled.  This is a cute snowsuit that was given to us by my sis-in-law Alex, (she pretty much gives us all of Ella's clothes!).  Not much to report on, just wanted to share the cuteness.

Oh, I will say that Ella is doing great with her sleeping.  She is taking about an 40-60 minute nap in the morning, and a two hour nap in the afternoon.  She goes to bed at 7:00 without a fight, and sleeps between 10-12 hours.  FINALLY!!!!!!  I worked hard to get a good sleeper, so I'm taking some of the credit :)


  1. You'll have to teach me how to do that in a few months. Congrats!

  2. what an adorable snow bunny!! That is how we used to bundle up as kids- I love how kids love snow... Give her hugs
